Knowing Jesus

Pastor Rodger Duvall is a self-proclaimed Jesus Freak, Biker, Prayer Warrior, Spiritual Leader, US Marine veteran and man of God.

Pastor Duvall shares his compelling testimony of being exhausted, weak and broken until he was saved by Jesus after finding a Bible in a shed. Today, Rodger Duvall is a child of the true living God and thanks Jesus wholeheartedly for this transformation.

Our First lady of Thee Redeemed House, Mary Duvall, is a kind and loving woman with sincere faith for Jesus. She leads by example in demonstrating empathy, good judgement, and generosity to all that meet her. Mary is first and foremost a child of God, then a servant, wife, mother, daughter, sister, grandma and loving friend.

Associate Pastor Jim Fincham has a passion to help people get to know God. He is connected with the local group homes and arranges transportation to various church services while offering scripture guidance and mentoring. Jim champions a global outreach eye glass ministry that collects and distributes eyeglasses to the less fortunate. He recognizes he is working for the kingdom of God.

Thee Redeemed House priorities are worship, connection, growth and service.

At Thee Redeemed House, we sincerely believe that God equips all believers to serve in ministry.

In 1 Peter 2:9, God calls his followers “royal priesthood”; 1 Corinthians 12:1 says that “God gives spiritual gifts to each one, just as he determines.”

We sometimes use the term “volunteer” as a convenient way of referring to those who serve, but what we are really talking about is people who lovingly respond to Jesus’ call to serve in His ministry.

Pastor Rodger Duvall

You are Welcome Here.

No church clothes, no church attitudes, just come as you are for fellowship and acceptance. Feel free to visit anytime!
Rehabilitation & Redemption through community relationships & prayer.

Our Beliefs

At the Redeemed House, we believe…

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